A 3D render of a buttery croissant molded into a fox, with its body formed entirely from golden, flaky croissant layers. The fox's fur and tail are detailed with extra folds of dough, and its eyes are made from chocolate sprinkles. Crumbs surrounded the fox, adding a rustic French-inspired charm to the scene.
Negative Prompt:
Blurry details, low resolution, flat lighting, lack of texture, unrealistic proportions, messy composition, overexposed highlights, underexposed shadows, dull colors, unnatural shapes.
Disclaimer: Please note that images generated by AI tools may vary slightly depending on the specific algorithm, model version, and prompt interpretation used by each platform. As a result, using the same prompt across different AI image generators may produce different variations of the desired image. Each AI generator processes inputs uniquely, leading to diverse artistic outcomes. This prompt can be used with any image generation platform or tool.