A 3D render of a towering, stacked burger sculpture in the shape of Frankenstein's face. The burger has a golden-brown top bun, red tomato neck bolts, dark lettuce eyebrows, and onion eyes. The juicy patties form the face's broad jaw and heavy cheekbones. There is a dollop of ketchup dripping down. Sesame seeds add texture. The background contains additional burger-face sculptures. The scene has dramatic, eerie lighting.
Negative Prompt:
Low detail, blurry resolution, cartoonish style, oversaturated colors, flat textures, inconsistent proportions, harsh shadows, unrealistic elements, lack of focus.
Disclaimer: Please note that images generated by AI tools may vary slightly depending on the specific algorithm, model version, and prompt interpretation used by each platform. As a result, using the same prompt across different AI image generators may produce different variations of the desired image. Each AI generator processes inputs uniquely, leading to diverse artistic outcomes. This prompt can be used with any image generation platform or tool.